Friday, December 10, 2010

Many Questions?

Today I want to answer some of the questions I have received from my fans (ya right).  Here is a short review.

I will have to see a Medical Oncologist, Radiation Oncologist, Speech Therapist, Ear, Nose and Throat  person and some kind of mask builder.  The purpose of the mask is to "bolt" your head to a table and make you glow a little (radiation dose is complete when glowing begins).  I have seen the radiation guy and Speech Lady.  She was very nice looking and asked me if I always stuttered.  I said no and looked at the wall and my voice came back!

ENT person on December 16 and the Medical on December 27th.  So treatment will not start before those visits are complete.  Rumor has it (nurse level) that I will get both treatments at the same time.  So I should have a good Christmas and New Years and then start treatment.  It will be 35 radiation treatments (5 per week for 7 weeks) but until we see the Medical guy will not know how much chemo I will get.  Also not sure if I will need a port for chemo or feeding tube installed.  My research (real dependable, hehe) says if it is only a couple of chemo's no port and probably no feeding tube.  Radiation guy says no feeding tube is required but if chemo port is required get a "2 for 1" special and both at the same time.

Thanks for your interest.

In His Service

1 comment:

  1. Prentiss, although I have never met you, I am pulling for you and admire your positive attitude. And your blog is helping us to learn so much more about C or c. Who could have known that a small c could require so much radiation? but from what I have heard from another friend, in certain cases this is the first line of attack — a ton of radiation, and then perhaps avoid a lot of chemo. You keep up the battle, please, and keep the updates coming. dbh
