Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Steroids for Sleepless Nights

A little late today.  Last night was fun. I couldn't get to sleep, later found out is was because of the steroid shot they give during treatment. I wonder if the Radiation Therapists can notice any difference?  I know I feel stronger drinking out of a 32 ounce bottle instead of a 16.  So I watched a  Johnny Lang concert at 1 pm only to wake up to the "Abmaster Deluxe"  As I have sold my speedo, I changed the channel to learn "How to Make Millions In Real Estate Without Any Money".

On the water like a duck in a flood, they will call me Peeeeee Yates and they all say keep drinking (water that is) as much as you can and take electrolytes.  Would not the complete "Flush Treatment" include a catheter?  The "Radiation Therapists" cut eye holes in my mask so I could look at the ceiling murals.  Met with the Chemo-Man (The Doctor) and he said that the 4 to 6 week period is the worse because the radiation and chemo get together and tell Little c to get out.  Little c makes that one last gasp like a guy dying in western movie and then it is uphill from there.  Had to get 1000cc Sodium Chloride today (the flush job, one again tomorrow)  The nurse looked like Sarah Palin and is a blues fan so that was interesting.  No I did not ask her if she could see Alaska from her house.  Still bothers me to hear patient DOB.  Today 1975 from the women next to me and she is on a 13 week regimen.  How blessed I am!

Waiting room observations.  Today I noticed that the patients bring their support group with them.  The patient usually looks a little bland while the other three have designated jobs.  One was reading the National Enquirer, another was reading hospital stuff.  The other was the designated eater, she ate 5 Slim Jims, then strawberry twists, then 2 diet cokes and all the time kept talking.  She even swapped a Slim Jim for the National Enquirer which I thought was a fair trade as they both are trash derivatives.

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