Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm Back

Yesterday was a different type of day.  Just before teeing off I was called by the dermatologist nurse.  I had 6 mole shaves and they were sent out to determine if they malignant.  Of the six two were OK, three were pre-cancer and one was basil cell carcinoma.  Kind of bummed me out.  But today I go and have some surgery to remove another growth.  They are all on my back and none seem as bad as they seem,  Basically they will cut around until they reach margins (medical term for edges) that are cancer free.  That means I'll be developing an intimate relationship with the Dermatologist.  Not sure for how long but will know what the plan is today.  At least 5 visits and cuttings.  So another Christmas and back to the Little C blog.  Will keep you all posted.  BTW also received notice form the VA that my cancer was not caused by Agent Orange and my increase in Medicare premium costs.  Other than that it is great being vertical and not to have  assumed room temperature.  I will get through this as I did before with the help of your prayers and Jesus Christ.

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